
>>For those contemplating fitting a supercharger as a means of performance enhancement, whose knowledge of its operation is small, this is how it works. Put simply, the supercharger is an air pump that forces air into the engine. As the power of...

:::Pozitionare boze:::

Pozitionarea corecta a boxelor in masina.

::: Amortizoare- ajustabile sau nu?:::

Shock absorbers, what they do? If a car had no shock absorbers after going over a bump, it would keep bouncing up and down, until all the energy put into the spring by the bump, had exhausted itself, which would make ......



>>Aerodynamics deals with all processes which are observed as air flows through and around a vehicle.

Air resistance W = cw . A v2. Q/2

here cw = drag coefficient,
A cross-sectional area,
v driving speed
Q air density.


:::Ferrari Mythos:::

>>Dupa o perioada de prototipuri cu o puternica amprenta “realista” , orientata catre explorarea noilor materiale si a noilor tehnici de constructie, Pininfarina a dorit sa revina la cautarea initiala, cea esentiala...


:::Motorul in 4 timpi:::

>>Ciclul de functionare este compus din patru faze:-admisia


:::Tuning box:::

>>Tuning Box, ce este el la ce ajuta si cati cai castigati prin folosiirea acestui sistem pe moatoarele diesel.


:::Distributia variabila:::

>>1.Necesitatea distributiei variabile Se spune ca distributia este variabila cand durata de deschidere a supapelor si inaltimea de ridicare a supapelor sunt variabile si de asemenea momentele de inchidere si deschidere a supapelor